Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
All About Me.
My name is Nancy Macdonald , I am retired nurse an use my skills in many areas. My passion is helping people in all areas of life, if it is just to lend an ear and listen to their problems and to validate someone does care.
I use these skills using different portals .
Using my skiills and setting up a market booth on different sites for Mom who is a diva on a dime and needing clothes for herself or for her family. .
Setting up a community for woman on ning to share ideas and empower each other . . Share with us and join and support and give back your knowledge.
First we are good students and learn the craft at a master's knee and then we become good teachers.
MyCeomoms provides essential tools that help a startup business succeed every step of the way. MyCeomoms helps you grow your developing business by combining the tried and true methods already found successful by work-at-home moms or WAHMS resources with one on one mentoring provided to each and every member.
Weekly support calls are placed to encourage and enlighten, and to help each business to grow and fulfill its business plan. And by offering an array of sales and marketing tools, MyCeomoms provides you methods to effectively communicate with your customer in a manner that utilize your time efficiently. This is a new concept for working at home Moms and Dads; the ability to work from home with your own personal support system in place. For a monthly fee, you will obtain the marketing strategies needed while including the typical monthly business expenses. .
I am seeking a like minded person to assist in a project that was started and needs that extra zing that another person in a joint venture could bring. I believe in any business it is customer service that makes the difference , join me on my group venture concerning this passion . . On twitter my websites are blog
I use these skills using different portals .
Using my skiills and setting up a market booth on different sites for Mom who is a diva on a dime and needing clothes for herself or for her family. .
Setting up a community for woman on ning to share ideas and empower each other . . Share with us and join and support and give back your knowledge.
First we are good students and learn the craft at a master's knee and then we become good teachers.
MyCeomoms provides essential tools that help a startup business succeed every step of the way. MyCeomoms helps you grow your developing business by combining the tried and true methods already found successful by work-at-home moms or WAHMS resources with one on one mentoring provided to each and every member.
Weekly support calls are placed to encourage and enlighten, and to help each business to grow and fulfill its business plan. And by offering an array of sales and marketing tools, MyCeomoms provides you methods to effectively communicate with your customer in a manner that utilize your time efficiently. This is a new concept for working at home Moms and Dads; the ability to work from home with your own personal support system in place. For a monthly fee, you will obtain the marketing strategies needed while including the typical monthly business expenses. .
I am seeking a like minded person to assist in a project that was started and needs that extra zing that another person in a joint venture could bring. I believe in any business it is customer service that makes the difference , join me on my group venture concerning this passion . . On twitter my websites are blog
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Taking charge of your business

MyCEOMoms - Helping Moms Become CEO's
MyCEOMoms is looking for those of you who want to start your own home-based business or those of you who want to take your current business to the next level.
With MyCEOMoms you will receive everything that you need to run a successful business from home or off line. From Domain Names to Video Emails. We'll provide you with 50 essential business tools in one place for one very low price per month.
For more information visit:
MyCEOMoms is looking for those of you who want to start your own home-based business or those of you who want to take your current business to the next level.
With MyCEOMoms you will receive everything that you need to run a successful business from home or off line. From Domain Names to Video Emails. We'll provide you with 50 essential business tools in one place for one very low price per month.
For more information visit:
MyCeomoms provides essential tools that help a startup business succeed every step of the way.
MyCeomoms helps you grow your developing business by combining the tried and true methods already found successful by work-at-home moms or WAHMS resources with one on one mentoring provided to each and every member.
Weekly support calls are placed to encourage and enlighten, and to help each business to grow and fulfill its business plan.
And by offering an array of sales and marketing tools, MyCeomoms provides you methods to effectively communicate with your customer in a manner that utilize your time efficiently. This is a new concept for working at home Moms and Dads; the ability to work from home with your own personal support system in place.
For a monthly fee, you will obtain the marketing strategies needed while including the typical monthly business expenses.
MyCeomoms is a new business concept that assists new entrepreneurs venturing into a business and the experienced small business owner to reduce their business fees.
MyCeomoms is a new business concept that assists new entrepreneurs venturing into a business and the experienced small business owner to reduce their business fees.
Once you examine all the services Myceomoms provides, you will realize that the monthly payment is about one fourth of the cost of business operations if purchased individually.
Examples of the kinds of services made available through MyCeomoms, are as follows:
· The cost of web design and hosting
· Free Voice Over Internet Protocol (Voip)
· Mailing lists
· Auto Email and Telephone responder
· Business kit
· Business Tools software
· Video (Teleconferencing tools)
· Email
· Site verification and submission
· Legal consultation
· Reasonably-priced health care
We’re in a global recession with many companies are cutting their work force.
· The cost of web design and hosting
· Free Voice Over Internet Protocol (Voip)
· Mailing lists
· Auto Email and Telephone responder
· Business kit
· Business Tools software
· Video (Teleconferencing tools)
· Site verification and submission
· Legal consultation
· Reasonably-priced health care
We’re in a global recession with many companies are cutting their work force.
With such employment security fears and layoffs, more people are joining the ranks of the self-employed and using their skills, education, and experience to create a business or turn a hobby into a business.
Parents with young families are now telecommuting and working from home, thus providing flexibility for their family.
Without a market plan and a business coach mentor, many people will not be successful. Myceomoms assists in the success of the business in each and every step of the way and sharpens your abilities to accomplish and set goals.
Dealing with the isolation of a home based business and handling all of the various concepts of the business can be overwhelming.
Dealing with the isolation of a home based business and handling all of the various concepts of the business can be overwhelming.
It is through sharing ones ideas and concepts and visions that problems are solved through MyCeomoms.
The computer and the Internet have brought about changes in the way business is transacted, as you are now dealing with a global customer base.
A business without a proper Business Plan will fail before it begins. As a self-taught person with an attitude and persistence, I have been able to turn life around.
The computer and the Internet have brought about changes in the way business is transacted, as you are now dealing with a global customer base.
A business without a proper Business Plan will fail before it begins. As a self-taught person with an attitude and persistence, I have been able to turn life around.
I know with support of mentors, my business is targeted and has a great chance of being successful.
By offering a service that includes all the benefits described above and more, MyCeomoms brings together the essentials required in a small business.
By offering a service that includes all the benefits described above and more, MyCeomoms brings together the essentials required in a small business.
Nancy Macdonald is a self employed small based business owner with two websites that target woman and families that require help in sometimes difficult times. She has been in business for four years with being a life coach and mentor on various websites. The training that was received when the business was started was mainly through trial and error.
by Nancy Macdonald
MyCEOMoms - Helping Moms Become CEO's
MyCEOMoms is looking for those of you who want to start your own home-based business or those of you who want to take your current business to the next level.
With MyCEOMoms you will receive everything that you need to run a successful business from home or off line. From Domain Names to Video Emails. We'll provide you with 50 essential business tools in one place for one very low price per month.
For more information visit:
MyCEOMoms is looking for those of you who want to start your own home-based business or those of you who want to take your current business to the next level.
With MyCEOMoms you will receive everything that you need to run a successful business from home or off line. From Domain Names to Video Emails. We'll provide you with 50 essential business tools in one place for one very low price per month.
For more information visit:
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Learning each and every day that is what empowers us and to share what we have learned is the best gift we can give to each other. Sharing our time and our knowledge. Each person has a different idea on life and business. We respect each person for their beliefs and honour that. With marketing and sharing a website or idea we create a buzz and just like a "busy bee" we are "busymoms" and multitask and do many things at once. We care for our families and our business life but sometimes we forget what is important. Our self is the last on the list many times during our daily life. We are wives , mothers, partners, business owner, sisters, caring for many that need our care. It is important to take care of us and ensure that we look after all aspects of our health and well being. We must ensure we have that quiet time to just sit and reflect and renew our energy. It is in that quiet time we renew our vows and share those thoughts and sometimes pain that no one else can share except our Creator.Each of us our important , because without you "your world" does not run without you.
Why is the weight loss at a stand still?

Balanced breakfast?
CheckMid-morning snack?
CheckHealthy lunch with your co-workers?
CheckPassing up your friend's homemade cookies?
CheckComing home in the evening and going on a feeding frenzy?
CHECK!!Does this sound like the bulk of your days?
You're in control, everything is going fine - until you come home starving at night and eat a large dinner, say yes to dessert (and seconds) and finish off a bag of chips before bed. What gives?
From a metabolic standpoint, there is really no reason not to eat food in the evening.
A calorie is a calorie regardless of when it is consumed.
A morning calorie is metabolized in basically the same way as an evening calorie.
However, eating in the evening is a problem for many, not because of the way food is metabolized, but because of the quantity of food that is often eaten.
Skipping meals and becoming overly hungry by evening can lead to nighttime binge eating.
Recent studies revealed that when people ate three meals a day only 13% binged.
When people skipped breakfast, 24% binged and when people skipped breakfast and lunch, 60% binged.
In general, people who spread their meals throughout the day seem to be better able to control their eating.
They are less likely to feel hungry and less likely to overeat. So by eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner and planning snacks in between, you can help yourself lose weight as well as maintain better control of your eating throughout the day and night.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Customer service in your community.
What do you do personally or with your business to help and share with other people?
Do you give your time or skill to help others less fortunate or money to support a worthy cause?
You might possible do something for the troops that support our nations such as cards or letters or friendship packages.
Do you assist someone that is elderly or respite care for a family with your children?
I feel that it is very important that everyone share a skill or time with someone that needs your help.
Maybe a visit to an elderly neighbour for a friendly visit as the winter months are so long.
It is something I believe very strongly about sharing your time and skill and give back and care about our community and our world as the "net" , has brought our close as a heartbeat.
Share back with me , what you do?
Next question what do I do?
Two things I support two children in the third world as a support sponser through Plan Canada . By my monthly support the family have the guidance for health and education and clean drinking water. For two dollars a day I am able to help and watch these beautifull children grow.
I received a drawing last week from the little girl it was a truck and written in french , I have it on my fridge, next to my grandaughters colouring.
I also am going to be going to our local library to hear children read and to help those with English that is their second language.
I also visit a couple of neighbours and drop in and do little things like mailing letters and manicures and foot care. I am a former nurse and know the importance of a foot inspection for redness or tender spots and toe nails that if not trimmed properly can lead to problems.
There are many ways of providing service with a smile as I see it on this snowy Saturday night.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Woman and the value of work.
What stands out on your resume when you offer the paper or send an email to a prospective employer.?Is it your education?Is it your experience?Is it the length of time that you have been at a certain type of job?Is it your ability to have that smile and transfer your skills in any situation?Is it your ability to get along and be part of a team environment?To answer that question I feel 'YES' to all of the above questions as all are important to the new employer.I have offered my services and it has been my experience on two different websites is the value of you work and your experience.Just as the old saying goes, "If you have no experience no one will hire you?" "Your frustrated to the fact , well if no one will hire me, How do I get the experience?"Then there is a question "How Much is your work worth?" and second "What pay scale are you using to judge your pay per hour?"The reason for these comments are first it depends on where you live and the second on the economy , as you are now competing globally for positions on the Internet.I was totally taken aback and it made me shake my head on how people were lining up to work for two dollars an hour?My first thought is why and what is the sense are you not worth more than that , does it not cost you more that price per hour to operate your computer?It was brought to my attention that in many countries in the world $2.00 USA is considered an excellent wage. Their currency is just booted to the stars for that job per hour and makes a difference in their life. It then made me think and evaluate what my rate was per hour and found that $2.00 was a given rate for data entry skills.I had a conversation with an elderly gentleman while I was his guest while he was going through the procedure of chemo therapy for advanced bone cancer. Here this gentleman was very cheerful and just sat back and did not complain in any way. He states I am just so happy I live in a country where this is offered to me free of charge and I am able to continue living in my own home at 95 years old.We talked about prices of food and housing and wages and it was amazing on his points of view and reminded me of how fortunate we are in life. He states he remembers working a full day picking apples in an orchard as a boy of 16 and living on the farm during the depression. He would ride his bike several miles to the farm of a neighbour to help with chores. He says his pay would be $1 a day. The dollar would be given to parents to help keep the farm and buy groceries at the local store. He says he remembers taking a load of wheat to mill and to manually grind he wheat so that his Mother would have flour. What he does say he remembers that families helped each other through tough times and worked together.His job after enlisting in what he says as the "War Effort" during the WW2 that he learned skills to be in the office and his job was government supply in the Ware house. He was responsible for locating and looking after a large inventory of items. He says with good will when items were short he was able to trade with other bases .After the war he worked in financial services and worked until the age of 88 years old and "Says you know its with customer service that I supported my wife and family." I made a living even when times were tough, I made it my job to know my customer." " I would make sure I had something to offer when I went to visit a client often over the kitchen table" " A gift or incentive or discount would help in the transaction many times." " He says besides my charm , I knew my products and what a person could afford per month."So today the world has not changed that much , the value of knowing your product and your customer will help you build your business even in these economic times.Join me on face book on "Customer Service with a smile" our Community and share your passions and visions with others out the interesting questions on us on twitter
What are you worth per hour?

What stands out on your resume when you offer the paper or send an email to a prospective employer.?
Is it your education?
Is it your experience?
Is it the length of time that you have been at a certain type of job?
Is it your ability to have that smile and transfer your skills in any situation?
Is it your ability to get along and be part of a team environment?
To answer that question I feel 'YES' to all of the above questions as all are important to the new employer.
I have offered my services and it has been my experience on two different websites is the value of you work and your experience.
Just as the old saying goes, "If you have no experience no one will hire you?" "Your frustrated to the fact , well if no one will hire me, How do I get the experience?"
Then there is a question "How Much is your work worth?" and second "What pay scale are you using to judge your pay per hour?"
The reason for these comments are first it depends on where you live and the second on the economy , as you are now competing globally for positions on the Internet.
I was totally taken aback and it made me shake my head on how people were lining up to work for two dollars an hour?
My first thought is why and what is the sense are you not worth more than that , does it not cost you more that price per hour to operate your computer?
It was brought to my attention that in many countries in the world $2.00 USA is considered an excellent wage. Their currency is just booted to the stars for that job per hour and makes a difference in their life. It then made me think and evaluate what my rate was per hour and found that $2.00 was a given rate for data entry skills.
I had a conversation with an elderly gentleman while I was his guest while he was going through the procedure of chemo therapy for advanced bone cancer. Here this gentleman was very cheerful and just sat back and did not complain in any way. He states I am just so happy I live in a country where this is offered to me free of charge and I am able to continue living in my own home at 95 years old.
We talked about prices of food and housing and wages and it was amazing on his points of view and reminded me of how fortunate we are in life. He states he remembers working a full day picking apples in an orchard as a boy of 16 and living on the farm during the depression. He would ride his bike several miles to the farm of a neighbour to help with chores. He says his pay would be $1 a day. The dollar would be given to parents to help keep the farm and buy groceries at the local store. He says he remembers taking a load of wheat to mill and to manually grind he wheat so that his Mother would have flour. What he does say he remembers that families helped each other through tough times and worked together.
His job after enlisting in what he says as the "War Effort" during the WW2 that he learned skills to be in the office and his job was government supply in the Ware house. He was responsible for locating and looking after a large inventory of items. He says with good will when items were short he was able to trade with other bases .
After the war he worked in financial services and worked until the age of 88 years old and "Says you know its with customer service that I supported my wife and family." I made a living even when times were tough, I made it my job to know my customer." " I would make sure I had something to offer when I went to visit a client often over the kitchen table" " A gift or incentive or discount would help in the transaction many times." " He says besides my charm , I knew my products and what a person could afford per month."
So today the world has not changed that much , the value of knowing your product and your customer will help you build your business even in these economic times.
Join me on face book on "Customer Service with a smile"
Join our Community and share your passions and visions with others
Check out the interesting questions on
Join us on twitter
Is it your education?
Is it your experience?
Is it the length of time that you have been at a certain type of job?
Is it your ability to have that smile and transfer your skills in any situation?
Is it your ability to get along and be part of a team environment?
To answer that question I feel 'YES' to all of the above questions as all are important to the new employer.
I have offered my services and it has been my experience on two different websites is the value of you work and your experience.
Just as the old saying goes, "If you have no experience no one will hire you?" "Your frustrated to the fact , well if no one will hire me, How do I get the experience?"
Then there is a question "How Much is your work worth?" and second "What pay scale are you using to judge your pay per hour?"
The reason for these comments are first it depends on where you live and the second on the economy , as you are now competing globally for positions on the Internet.
I was totally taken aback and it made me shake my head on how people were lining up to work for two dollars an hour?
My first thought is why and what is the sense are you not worth more than that , does it not cost you more that price per hour to operate your computer?
It was brought to my attention that in many countries in the world $2.00 USA is considered an excellent wage. Their currency is just booted to the stars for that job per hour and makes a difference in their life. It then made me think and evaluate what my rate was per hour and found that $2.00 was a given rate for data entry skills.
I had a conversation with an elderly gentleman while I was his guest while he was going through the procedure of chemo therapy for advanced bone cancer. Here this gentleman was very cheerful and just sat back and did not complain in any way. He states I am just so happy I live in a country where this is offered to me free of charge and I am able to continue living in my own home at 95 years old.
We talked about prices of food and housing and wages and it was amazing on his points of view and reminded me of how fortunate we are in life. He states he remembers working a full day picking apples in an orchard as a boy of 16 and living on the farm during the depression. He would ride his bike several miles to the farm of a neighbour to help with chores. He says his pay would be $1 a day. The dollar would be given to parents to help keep the farm and buy groceries at the local store. He says he remembers taking a load of wheat to mill and to manually grind he wheat so that his Mother would have flour. What he does say he remembers that families helped each other through tough times and worked together.
His job after enlisting in what he says as the "War Effort" during the WW2 that he learned skills to be in the office and his job was government supply in the Ware house. He was responsible for locating and looking after a large inventory of items. He says with good will when items were short he was able to trade with other bases .
After the war he worked in financial services and worked until the age of 88 years old and "Says you know its with customer service that I supported my wife and family." I made a living even when times were tough, I made it my job to know my customer." " I would make sure I had something to offer when I went to visit a client often over the kitchen table" " A gift or incentive or discount would help in the transaction many times." " He says besides my charm , I knew my products and what a person could afford per month."
So today the world has not changed that much , the value of knowing your product and your customer will help you build your business even in these economic times.
Join me on face book on "Customer Service with a smile"
Join our Community and share your passions and visions with others
Check out the interesting questions on
Join us on twitter
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Customer Service with a smile

Hello My name is Nancy Macdonald I am a self employed virtual customer service Agent representing Companies by phone or text chat or email.
Customer service is the backbone of any Company as without the customer there is no sales of any kind for your product or skills.
A good customer service assistant will do two things to ensure that the customer is treated with respect and loyalty. No matter what the call is concerning you are polite and listen to the customer, then validate the problem and find a solution that works.
If the item purchased was late in delivery or not correct or the instructions to hard to understand, then it is up to the agent to help.
To help by offering an apology to the customer and listen to how they feel even if the customer becomes very angry. By diffusing the situation and saying I understand the way you feel and I will give this my prime attention , this helps.
By word of mouth of great customer service you have done two things, kept a customer happy and second he will be your buzz agent.
What I mean by buzz agent he will tell his friends and co workers and family about first what happened and second what the agent did to help.
It might have been a refund or discount or a return of the item or extended service or connecting with dept that handles the product information. By taking small steps you have provided the best selling point for the company.
Not everyone can be a great representative , you must have patience and the skills to listen and then act in a calm manner at all times.
A company large and small will always need that friendly voice to answer the phone or connect with the customer virtually by mail or text chat.
The skills are very open ended on what your tasks might be such as contacting the customer concerning updating his existing product, or up selling him to a similar products of his needs. Calling a customer to update his records and profile to his location and phone and his current email address.
A job involving spreading the word about an up coming sale for members only offering a special discount to preferred customers. By making your customer feel special your customer will be loyal to you.
Your position might be involved with informing future customers on the Internet about the products and services and providing data entry .
In these economic times and downsizing the need to promote and maintain a customer or future prospect is an absolute number assets to keep any business afloat .
I provide such a service and very proud that marketing has provided the skills need to enjoy a weekly pay cheque.
At the end of each day I am satisfied and what I am able to accomplish each and every day as you never stop learning.
Social networking and connecting with like minded people is not a waste of time , it is a source of connections with people.
We empower each other when we share abilities and skills and give back to others of what you have learned.
When you have a moment join my group on facebook , Customer service with a smilehttp://http//
join our ning group
on twitter
Share and browse our website
Customer service is the backbone of any Company as without the customer there is no sales of any kind for your product or skills.
A good customer service assistant will do two things to ensure that the customer is treated with respect and loyalty. No matter what the call is concerning you are polite and listen to the customer, then validate the problem and find a solution that works.
If the item purchased was late in delivery or not correct or the instructions to hard to understand, then it is up to the agent to help.
To help by offering an apology to the customer and listen to how they feel even if the customer becomes very angry. By diffusing the situation and saying I understand the way you feel and I will give this my prime attention , this helps.
By word of mouth of great customer service you have done two things, kept a customer happy and second he will be your buzz agent.
What I mean by buzz agent he will tell his friends and co workers and family about first what happened and second what the agent did to help.
It might have been a refund or discount or a return of the item or extended service or connecting with dept that handles the product information. By taking small steps you have provided the best selling point for the company.
Not everyone can be a great representative , you must have patience and the skills to listen and then act in a calm manner at all times.
A company large and small will always need that friendly voice to answer the phone or connect with the customer virtually by mail or text chat.
The skills are very open ended on what your tasks might be such as contacting the customer concerning updating his existing product, or up selling him to a similar products of his needs. Calling a customer to update his records and profile to his location and phone and his current email address.
A job involving spreading the word about an up coming sale for members only offering a special discount to preferred customers. By making your customer feel special your customer will be loyal to you.
Your position might be involved with informing future customers on the Internet about the products and services and providing data entry .
In these economic times and downsizing the need to promote and maintain a customer or future prospect is an absolute number assets to keep any business afloat .
I provide such a service and very proud that marketing has provided the skills need to enjoy a weekly pay cheque.
At the end of each day I am satisfied and what I am able to accomplish each and every day as you never stop learning.
Social networking and connecting with like minded people is not a waste of time , it is a source of connections with people.
We empower each other when we share abilities and skills and give back to others of what you have learned.
When you have a moment join my group on facebook , Customer service with a smilehttp://http//
join our ning group
on twitter
Share and browse our website
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Happy Birthday to all those that share the day with the world..speaking of what makes a good day it is from the heart, not the weather or the gifts you have around you. It is you are the gift that you share with skills or caring or information. Lets start a share of a kindness event , these types of stories just make you want to stop and think ..there is much to life.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
let your light shine
Being in a home-based business allows you to be in business for yourself, but not by yourself. It has brought me freedom, happiness, and a passion for what I do that I want to share with others. I've made the decision to combine my passion for online marketing with my love for animals and created the website .
Hi, I'm Karen from Louisiana – USA and thanks for stopping by. Some of my background includes: professional online marketing, telemarketing, appointment setting, business operator/answering service, background researcher, skip tracing, investigative research assistant, data processing, and U.S. Air Force civil service with military hospital command.
Together with my VERY special dog Trixie, we visit folks who are in hospitals, rehabs, schools, etc., it is so fulfilling to see the smiles on peoples faces as we enter a room. Trixie is a VERY special canine for several reasons - the #1 reason is she is my helper dog and was trained especially to help me with things to keep me independent, as I use a motorized wheelchair to get out and about, which I do alot. She is so smart - she knows over 80 commands! Yep, she is an 8 year old Border Collie/black Lab mix we've been partnered together for 5 years now.
"Believe you can and you are already half way there" - Theodore Roosevelt
Karen Conley
Skype ID cashqueenkc
Hi, I'm Karen from Louisiana – USA and thanks for stopping by. Some of my background includes: professional online marketing, telemarketing, appointment setting, business operator/answering service, background researcher, skip tracing, investigative research assistant, data processing, and U.S. Air Force civil service with military hospital command.
Together with my VERY special dog Trixie, we visit folks who are in hospitals, rehabs, schools, etc., it is so fulfilling to see the smiles on peoples faces as we enter a room. Trixie is a VERY special canine for several reasons - the #1 reason is she is my helper dog and was trained especially to help me with things to keep me independent, as I use a motorized wheelchair to get out and about, which I do alot. She is so smart - she knows over 80 commands! Yep, she is an 8 year old Border Collie/black Lab mix we've been partnered together for 5 years now.
"Believe you can and you are already half way there" - Theodore Roosevelt
Karen Conley
Skype ID cashqueenkc
Labels: coach,
positive self image,
self esteem,
work from home.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happy Birthday to Ava
Mom's busy... what about HER birthday?Posted by Ava on January 11, 2009 at 8:13pm
Send Message View Ava's blog
Tomorrow is my birthday! Yay, I made it through another year! :)
My daughter is 16 1/2. (am I giving my age away? LOL. On her bedroom wall, she has 8"x11" photos of her in her birthday parties. Every single year.. I have given her a huge party, celebrating her life. What ever she wanted to do. Invited every friend and family member. It is important for me to celebrate the life of my daughter, and every year I have with her, and show her how much I love her and happy she is my daughter.
These parties can take months to plan.
Ooops back to MY birthday. See what I mean... LOL. We focus so much on our childs birthdays, but then what do we do for ourselves? If we do nothing, does that show them that only they are important, but we are not?
If we has adults think about our birthday, and talk about it.. people think we should grow up, don't make such a big deal out of it.. who wants everyone to know how old you are anyway? Why? Why is it that after 21, only 30,40,50, 60, 70 80, 90, and 100 are important? We have to wait 10 years to celebrate?
Do we celebrate the day we were born, or that we made it to another year, or to look forward to this age that we are becoming now? Isn't our life important at any age?
Especially as single moms, we usually don't have someone "built in" to celebrate our birthday with us. No husband to make sure he brings us flowers, a gift, and take us out to dinner. So we usually go out with friends,"the girls", family.. the kids take us to a fast food place and it ends up being for them... or we just need to be creative and make the best of it because we can't afford to do anything.
As moms we need to celebrate ourselves more. We do soooo much..
We need to take the time to take care of ourselves, think about our past, and plan our future.
We need to pamper ourselves. Even if we can't afford to go to a spa.. try to get some quiet time alone, or to think.. Write in a journal.. Take a long shower, give yourself the " overhaul "! LOL.
Trade with a friend of you need childcare during your birthday. Invite your friends over with their kids.
Do you really need another shirt? Swap gifts, clothes, usable items.. Give free Ebooks, or extras of your products if you sell. That also saves money, the landfills and helps the environment! Swap time, services.. maybe you and a friend can do a "spa day" at home.. do each others nails, hair, etc.
You can also do this with your daughters! It doesn't even have to be your birthday!
I would love to hear your thoughts on this...
What should I do for my birthday?
I would love to hear from other busy-moms about this issue, and hear some ideas!
Happy Birthday To Me! :)
Happy Birthday to you too!
Owner, AvaHosting Internet & Telecommunications
95-60 Queens Blvd
Rego Park, NY 11374
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Tomorrow is my birthday! Yay, I made it through another year! :)
My daughter is 16 1/2. (am I giving my age away? LOL. On her bedroom wall, she has 8"x11" photos of her in her birthday parties. Every single year.. I have given her a huge party, celebrating her life. What ever she wanted to do. Invited every friend and family member. It is important for me to celebrate the life of my daughter, and every year I have with her, and show her how much I love her and happy she is my daughter.
These parties can take months to plan.
Ooops back to MY birthday. See what I mean... LOL. We focus so much on our childs birthdays, but then what do we do for ourselves? If we do nothing, does that show them that only they are important, but we are not?
If we has adults think about our birthday, and talk about it.. people think we should grow up, don't make such a big deal out of it.. who wants everyone to know how old you are anyway? Why? Why is it that after 21, only 30,40,50, 60, 70 80, 90, and 100 are important? We have to wait 10 years to celebrate?
Do we celebrate the day we were born, or that we made it to another year, or to look forward to this age that we are becoming now? Isn't our life important at any age?
Especially as single moms, we usually don't have someone "built in" to celebrate our birthday with us. No husband to make sure he brings us flowers, a gift, and take us out to dinner. So we usually go out with friends,"the girls", family.. the kids take us to a fast food place and it ends up being for them... or we just need to be creative and make the best of it because we can't afford to do anything.
As moms we need to celebrate ourselves more. We do soooo much..
We need to take the time to take care of ourselves, think about our past, and plan our future.
We need to pamper ourselves. Even if we can't afford to go to a spa.. try to get some quiet time alone, or to think.. Write in a journal.. Take a long shower, give yourself the " overhaul "! LOL.
Trade with a friend of you need childcare during your birthday. Invite your friends over with their kids.
Do you really need another shirt? Swap gifts, clothes, usable items.. Give free Ebooks, or extras of your products if you sell. That also saves money, the landfills and helps the environment! Swap time, services.. maybe you and a friend can do a "spa day" at home.. do each others nails, hair, etc.
You can also do this with your daughters! It doesn't even have to be your birthday!
I would love to hear your thoughts on this...
What should I do for my birthday?
I would love to hear from other busy-moms about this issue, and hear some ideas!
Happy Birthday To Me! :)
Happy Birthday to you too!
Owner, AvaHosting Internet & Telecommunications
95-60 Queens Blvd
Rego Park, NY 11374
positive self image,
self esteem,
self image,
Your right path to follow.
I’m Terresa Roden, currently living in Milewaukee, WI (US). I’m working in a call center at the moment, enjoying the fact that I get asked if I’m a recording from time to time. It’s rather fun to greet a caller and get a brief pause when I finish only to have the caller ask if I’m a real person. My answer is usually some variation of “As far as I know they haven’t replaced me with a machine” or “Last time I looked I was a real person” followed by amused laughter from myself and the caller.
I spent most of my early life in Minnesota, first in the small town of Aitkin, going to college in Crookston and then moving to Minneapolis-St.Paul until I shifted to Milwaukee in the late 1990’s. I’ve held various jobs, usually in some type of support staff role and I currently work in a call center doing both inbound and outbound work. What makes the job satisfying to me is the fact that I get to indulge my passion for helping people. Incoming calls are for help with various companies products – placing orders, subscriptions, missed issues, etc.
In April of 2006, I turned 50 years young. At that time I began to consider my life and what I had done with it. As I looked back, I realized that I had never really answered the question “Who do I want to be when I grow up?” As I began searching myself for the answer to that question, I was also looking for ways to increase my income by finding some sort of online business. I tried several things with little success, but in that process I met several people who began to mentor and encourage me, among them Sally Witt and Kim Mutch Emerson. Both Kim and Sally were great supporters as I worked through the process of “Who do I want to be?” and suggested developing the questions I was uing for my own search into a workbook that could be of assistance to others going through the same process.
By the end of 2008, the “Uniquely Me LifeBook” first edition was completed and made available on the web as an eBook, available at my website . I have created a Skype room, and a Yahoo group that are available to users of the LifeBook for ongoing support and questions.
One of my talents is “pulling rabbits out of hats” for people. In the course of conversations I often come up with “outside the box” answers to problems that people are experiencing. I look forward to developing a consulting clientele of people looking for a sounding board for brainstorming and problem-solving as part of my business.
I spent most of my early life in Minnesota, first in the small town of Aitkin, going to college in Crookston and then moving to Minneapolis-St.Paul until I shifted to Milwaukee in the late 1990’s. I’ve held various jobs, usually in some type of support staff role and I currently work in a call center doing both inbound and outbound work. What makes the job satisfying to me is the fact that I get to indulge my passion for helping people. Incoming calls are for help with various companies products – placing orders, subscriptions, missed issues, etc.
In April of 2006, I turned 50 years young. At that time I began to consider my life and what I had done with it. As I looked back, I realized that I had never really answered the question “Who do I want to be when I grow up?” As I began searching myself for the answer to that question, I was also looking for ways to increase my income by finding some sort of online business. I tried several things with little success, but in that process I met several people who began to mentor and encourage me, among them Sally Witt and Kim Mutch Emerson. Both Kim and Sally were great supporters as I worked through the process of “Who do I want to be?” and suggested developing the questions I was uing for my own search into a workbook that could be of assistance to others going through the same process.
By the end of 2008, the “Uniquely Me LifeBook” first edition was completed and made available on the web as an eBook, available at my website . I have created a Skype room, and a Yahoo group that are available to users of the LifeBook for ongoing support and questions.
One of my talents is “pulling rabbits out of hats” for people. In the course of conversations I often come up with “outside the box” answers to problems that people are experiencing. I look forward to developing a consulting clientele of people looking for a sounding board for brainstorming and problem-solving as part of my business.
life coach,
life styles,
positive self image,
self esteem,
self image,
work from home.
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