Hello My name is Nancy Macdonald I am a self employed virtual customer service Agent representing Companies by phone or text chat or email.
Customer service is the backbone of any Company as without the customer there is no sales of any kind for your product or skills.
A good customer service assistant will do two things to ensure that the customer is treated with respect and loyalty. No matter what the call is concerning you are polite and listen to the customer, then validate the problem and find a solution that works.
If the item purchased was late in delivery or not correct or the instructions to hard to understand, then it is up to the agent to help.
To help by offering an apology to the customer and listen to how they feel even if the customer becomes very angry. By diffusing the situation and saying I understand the way you feel and I will give this my prime attention , this helps.
By word of mouth of great customer service you have done two things, kept a customer happy and second he will be your buzz agent.
What I mean by buzz agent he will tell his friends and co workers and family about first what happened and second what the agent did to help.
It might have been a refund or discount or a return of the item or extended service or connecting with dept that handles the product information. By taking small steps you have provided the best selling point for the company.
Not everyone can be a great representative , you must have patience and the skills to listen and then act in a calm manner at all times.
A company large and small will always need that friendly voice to answer the phone or connect with the customer virtually by mail or text chat.
The skills are very open ended on what your tasks might be such as contacting the customer concerning updating his existing product, or up selling him to a similar products of his needs. Calling a customer to update his records and profile to his location and phone and his current email address.
A job involving spreading the word about an up coming sale for members only offering a special discount to preferred customers. By making your customer feel special your customer will be loyal to you.
Your position might be involved with informing future customers on the Internet about the products and services and providing data entry .
In these economic times and downsizing the need to promote and maintain a customer or future prospect is an absolute number assets to keep any business afloat .
I provide such a service and very proud that marketing has provided the skills need to enjoy a weekly pay cheque.
At the end of each day I am satisfied and what I am able to accomplish each and every day as you never stop learning.
Social networking and connecting with like minded people is not a waste of time , it is a source of connections with people.
We empower each other when we share abilities and skills and give back to others of what you have learned.
When you have a moment join my group on facebook , Customer service with a smilehttp://http//www.new.facebook.com/wall.php?id=1320516554&banter_id=694111046&show_all#/group.php?gid=60326179728&ref=mf
join our ning group http://www.busy-mon.ning.com/
on twitter http://www.twitter.com/attnbusymoms
Share and browse our website http://busy-mom.com/ http://preciousbabysite.com/
Customer service is the backbone of any Company as without the customer there is no sales of any kind for your product or skills.
A good customer service assistant will do two things to ensure that the customer is treated with respect and loyalty. No matter what the call is concerning you are polite and listen to the customer, then validate the problem and find a solution that works.
If the item purchased was late in delivery or not correct or the instructions to hard to understand, then it is up to the agent to help.
To help by offering an apology to the customer and listen to how they feel even if the customer becomes very angry. By diffusing the situation and saying I understand the way you feel and I will give this my prime attention , this helps.
By word of mouth of great customer service you have done two things, kept a customer happy and second he will be your buzz agent.
What I mean by buzz agent he will tell his friends and co workers and family about first what happened and second what the agent did to help.
It might have been a refund or discount or a return of the item or extended service or connecting with dept that handles the product information. By taking small steps you have provided the best selling point for the company.
Not everyone can be a great representative , you must have patience and the skills to listen and then act in a calm manner at all times.
A company large and small will always need that friendly voice to answer the phone or connect with the customer virtually by mail or text chat.
The skills are very open ended on what your tasks might be such as contacting the customer concerning updating his existing product, or up selling him to a similar products of his needs. Calling a customer to update his records and profile to his location and phone and his current email address.
A job involving spreading the word about an up coming sale for members only offering a special discount to preferred customers. By making your customer feel special your customer will be loyal to you.
Your position might be involved with informing future customers on the Internet about the products and services and providing data entry .
In these economic times and downsizing the need to promote and maintain a customer or future prospect is an absolute number assets to keep any business afloat .
I provide such a service and very proud that marketing has provided the skills need to enjoy a weekly pay cheque.
At the end of each day I am satisfied and what I am able to accomplish each and every day as you never stop learning.
Social networking and connecting with like minded people is not a waste of time , it is a source of connections with people.
We empower each other when we share abilities and skills and give back to others of what you have learned.
When you have a moment join my group on facebook , Customer service with a smilehttp://http//www.new.facebook.com/wall.php?id=1320516554&banter_id=694111046&show_all#/group.php?gid=60326179728&ref=mf
join our ning group http://www.busy-mon.ning.com/
on twitter http://www.twitter.com/attnbusymoms
Share and browse our website http://busy-mom.com/ http://preciousbabysite.com/
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