Saturday, October 11, 2008

The importance of a colon flush

The importance of a colon flush
The value of a good colon flush is almost impossible to fully measure. It has so many benefits and trickles down to so many other benefits that it is almost impossible to imagine just how effective it can be overall in maintaining the overall health of the human body. It flushes out the toxins, parasites, and waste that fill and block the colon, causing a litany of other health problems over time.

Reasons for a Colon Flush
Many people research and seek out assistance in getting a colon flush every year with one of the most common reasons being that they are constipated. This is often simply because of a lack of fiber and water in the diet though. Without fiber and water the bowels become condensed and hard and take more time and effort to pass.

With constipation, you may be forced to strain to pass stool. This straining has many additional negative effects such as the development of hemorrhoids, hernias and additional problems that can be long term and very uncomfortable. A good colon flush will eliminate both these risks and issues before they develop too much further.

But constipation should not be the biggest of your worries by any means. There are other health concerns that are much more substantial for those considering a colon cleansing. Not only does food stay in the colon for much too long, it begins to turn rancid and ferment, creating new bacteria and developing toxins that can infiltrate your body and cause diseases.

If you remain exposed to these things on a daily basis, your body will soon begin to be at very high risk of becoming even more sick with things as severe as colorectal cancer.

To top everything off, the foods you eat are probably only making the matter worse. The human body, despite what we put into it every day, is only designed to process and digest certain things. High volume of protein, fat, and sugar as well as things like dairy products, processed foods, unnatural additives, and high metal and sodium contents are all bad for you if not properly mediated, resulting in the build ups your colon experiences.

When you develop symptoms like constipation, it is often a sign that your colon needs to be cleaned out before the situation gets worse, developing into long term diseases and issues.

A common misconception is that few bowel movements a week means you are doing okay. Unfortunately, you should have at least 1 or 2 bowel movements every day. If you go more than 12-18 hours without a bowel movement, you are likely developing a toxic, unhealthy environment within your body that will soon develop into something much worse - it needs to be cared for as quickly as possible with a good colon flush.

DrFloras Colon Cleanse is designed to do just this - cleansing the colon of the ill mannered and sickness inducing waste that builds up there as a result of a poor diet. If you take care of your colon problems now, you can ensure a safe and healthy long life to come.

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