Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Colon and you

Information on The Various Colonic Irrigation Techniques
The process of colonic irrigations is not something developed in recent years to placate those seeking a new and effective way of keeping their bodies healthy. It has, in fact, been around since the 15th Century BC in ancient Egypt, when a very rudimentary form of the process was used by high-born citizens and royalty.

Almost 3300 years later, Dr. Elmer Lee developed the first medical method of irrigating the intestines and in 1892, he first used his new procedure to treat the Cholera epidemics plaguing Russia at the time. It served to actually reduce or cure the disease in many people and soon became a popular option among physicians treating digestive diseases.

Colonic Irrigation Today
The process of colon cleansing today is slightly more developed and comes in many more varieties than it did a century ago. Today, you can choose from basic colonic hydrotherapy techniques, an at home or doctor administered enema, or any of a number of colon cleansing therapies that use orally ingested products.

Colonic irrigation is among the most popular and most often discussed methods though and involves the flushing of warm water through the colon by a colonic technician to remove the toxins and excess fecal matter that builds up there.

The gravity flow of the water enters the large intestine through a disposable plastic tube that is placed through the anus into the large intestine. The waste is then removed and the colon and large intestine cleansed to ensure the body interacts better with its digestive tract.

There is more than one form of colonic irrigation used by technicians today, but the most effective has been the use of ozone and oxygen therapy, infusing water with additional oxygen to help kill and remove bacteria, viruses, and pathogens from the digestive tract. These microscopic invaders of your body are not only highly damaging to your organs, they can cause further diseases and problems if you allow the situation to progress. Oxygen is their number one enemy and a good dose of oxygenated water not only cleanses excess waste, it kills unwanted bacteria.
Self Colonic Cleansing
Many people have decided that colon cleansing is a necessary step in keeping their bodies operating properly. However, the cost of the procedure can be a major obstacle for some individuals, especially those who rely on medical insurance that will not cover the procedure.

Self colonic cleansing is a good alternative to high-tech colonic irrigation that allows you to obtain the same benefits of the process without needing to pay for an expensive consultation and procedure. You can decide when you go through the process and measure the effects of the cleansing as you take your daily doses. DrFloras Colon Cleanse is just such a product - a completely powdered, natural alternative to the invasive, uncomfortable colonic procedure that makes so many people nervous.

When seeking a colonic cleansing option, be aware of the different effects that method will have on your body as well as what is expected of you. It will make the process and its results that much more welcome if you expect whatever difficulties that might arise.

From a nursing prospective with using a cleanse you must be aware of your potassium levels also your to ensure your blood pressure as this may be affected during the colon cleanse.

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