Thursday, September 18, 2008

Taking care of our body from the outside appearance

Do you know that you are probably wearing the bra size?
You know we buy shoes on a regular basis and change them as our activity changes.

We have a need to buy clothes for different seasons or as our bodies change in size.

Yes ladies it does happen as we age that our hips and waist expand , even though we are fighting this on a regular basis.

Question do you wear the same bra size you wore when your were a teen?

Our breast size changes with age, weight gain or loss, pregnancy so we need to adapt.

I know spending money on a bra seems to just make us cringe.

I have an solution.

http://cgi. ebay. ca/ws/eBayISAPI. dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=170257368592

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