Friday, April 18, 2008

Important information

Good Morning and with grace and sunshine we are blessed with another day to let it unfold with good vibes and speak to the universe as it unfolds.

I hope you will take a moment and view the wonderful transformation on my website that is headed in many directions, but as I see it too the top. To reach many people and to help with a gift which is to listen.

I sell on ebay the world is your market place and have been blessed with my childrens items reaching the far corners of this world.

It was with great anticipation to have a guest on my podcast about identity theft and how to take steps on protecting yourself and family.
The 'new babies" in my nursery will be headed to new homes soon, if you have any newborn baby clothes or receiving blankets, that would be a blessing to help on my mission to give woman in shelters or hospitals or nursing homes , to give that smile and comfort back that nurturing brings. If you have a doll that needs tender loving care please take the opportunity and send it my way , it is much appreciated.

I feel so blessed to have had the experience working with people with alzheimers as it prepared me for a new journey my beloved husband and I undertake together. He is 59 years old and has been diagnosed so working from home has given me many benefits to help with our journey.
Nancy Macdonald

Take a moment and check out the exciting changes at
I know it will a place that you check out often, Listening to Mom's home radio chat,
the soon to be craft corner, the support and chat lines to help you in lifes traumas.

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